Thursday, June 30, 2005

Artikel 4

Issues in Realtime System Design

Designing Realtime systems is a challenging task. Most of the challenge comes from the fact that Realtime systems have to interact with real world entities. These interactions can get fairly complex. A typical Realtime system might be interacting with thousands of such entities at the same time. For example, a telephone switching system routinely handles calls from tens of thousands of subscriber. The system has to connect each call differently. Also, the exact sequence of events in the call might vary a lot.

Ringkasan ini dibuat tanggal: 29 Juni 2005

Artikel 3

Operating online: a real-time system integration update
Penulis: John J. Mc Gowan
Artikel ini dibuat Bulan Februari 2003.

The building automation business is overrun with new terms that try to describe "state of the art" in controls. Real-time system integration may simply be one more such term, the author says, but it does capture the challenge and the opportunity for automation while hinting at the Internet's role for the future. Learn about the tools, the trends, and even the training involved in coordinating this array of complex systems successfully. There are a wealth of new control products, technologies, and buzzwords, yet there is a simple evolution underway toward the Internet. No, it isn't likely that the Internet will ever control buildings at die equipment level, but it is the ultimate vehicle to enhance control and to expand dramatically the information management capabilities of automation systems. he major industry effort to standardize automation system data communication provided the foundation for real-time system integration and Web services for buildings. Web-based technologies now make it possible for systems to integrate information from internal hardwired points and Internet sources. Accomplishing this in real time is the next generation for building automation. This opportunity is not without challenges, however, and there are risks that must be managed. Data security is an ongoing concern, but the benefit of combining automation and information systems is that integrators can leverage existing firewalls and other security equipment. Data reliability is another question, particularly if the control information is completely reliant on the Web. These obstacles can be overcome as they have been in other industries like online banking. If customers trust the Internet with money, how much of a leap of faith is it to trust it with data? There is little question that building automation online is the future, and to accomplish that goal, real-time system integration is required. The key is to track the developments and trends in automation hardware and data communications technology, as well as Internet-enabled building services. Without question, integrators and astute owners will succeed in creating cost-effective building environments by synthesizing industry information to leverage technology and optimize system control and facility management.

Sumber: Engineered Systems melalui
Ringkasan ini dibuat tanggal: 29 Juni 2005

Artikel 2

The Right Time for Real Time
Penulis: John McCormick
Artikel ini dibuat Bulan Juli 2004.

There's a wealth of information available to companies. But too often they don't have the technology or processes—mostly, the wherewithal—to tap it. Sure, there are challenges. Companies continue to work with flawed data, incompatible systems and faulty analysis. The key is to figure out what data is most relevant to a company's financial health, set up reporting systems to track and transmit the data, and then let managers fix problems when they arise. If a real-time system shows sales starting to slow, for instance, managers can proactively cut prices or boost marketing to make sure that quarterly numbers are met. Think of real-time systems as right-time systems. Which means you might even fix a problem before it occurs.

Sumber: Baseline melalui
Ringkasan ini dibuat tanggal: 29 Juni 2005

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Artikel 1

Real-Time Control for Matching Wastewater Discharges to the Assimilative Capacity of a Complex, Tidally Affected River Basin
Penulis: Edwin A. Roehl Jr. and Paul A. Conrads
Paper ini disajikan pada South Carolina Environmental Conference yang dilaksanakan di Myrtle Beach pada 15-16 Maret 1999.

A neural network model was applied to simulate the hydrodynamics and water quality of the Cooper and Wando Rivers in South Carolina. The evaluation of the model showed that predictions of salinity, water temperature, and dissolved-oxygen concentration for this complex estuarine system were accurate. Because neural network models execute without iteration, they are ideal for integrating with real-time information and control systems. In this study, the neural network model of the Cooper and Wando Rivers was coupled with an optimization routine to make maximum use of the assimilative capacity of the two-river system. Target dissolved-oxygen concentrations, set at the State water-quality standard, were matched by constraining effluent discharges. A prototype real-time control system for matching wastewater discharges to the continuously changing assimilative capacity of the Cooper and Wando Rivers is presented.

Sumber: Surface-Water Quality and Flow Modelling Interest Group, U.S. Geological Survey
Ringkasan ini dibuat tanggal: 29 Juni 2005

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Selasa, 28 Juni 2005: Pertemuan Pertama

Kuliah kali ini diisi dengan diskusi mengenai sistem nyata waktu atau real time system. Pada akhir kuliah, ada beberapa tugas yang diberikan:

1. Membuat suatu program dan mengukur execution time-nya serta mengamati konsistensi execution time terhadap data masukan yang berbeda.
2. Membuat situs web pribadi yang berisi:
* Progress yang dicapai selama mengikuti kuliah Sistem Nyata Waktu dan Embedded.
* Ringkasan artikel yang berkaitan dengan sistem nyata waktu.
3. Membuat lima kelompok kerja yang akan mengerjakan tugas dengan fokus tertentu:
* Pengajaran
* Penelitian
* Publikasi
* Aplikasi
* ? (belum ditentukan)

Seusai kuliah, saya sempat mencari tulisan yang berkaitan dengan pengukuran execution time. Ada dua tulisan yang saya temukan:

1. Measuring Program Execution Time

Kedua tulisan itu belum sempat saya baca. Mungkin besok saja. Target saya hari ini adalah menyelesaikan tampilan web ini.


Semester ini, saya mengikuti mata kuliah Sistem Nyata Waktu dan Embedded (EC6060) yang diberikan oleh Bapak Dr.Ir.Kuspriyanto. Kuliah pertama dimulai tanggal 28 Juni 2005. Ringkasan kuliah yang diberikan dan hal-hal lain yang berkaitan dengan kuliah ini dapat Anda lihat di sini. Anda juga dapat membaca beberapa ringkasan artikel yang berkaitan dengan sistem nyata waktu. Tugas kuliah yang pernah saya kerjakan dapat Anda lihat di sini (jika Anda ingin memberikan koreksi atas tugas tersebut, hubungi saya di sini).